Friday, July 21, 2006

So, I've been thinking quite a bit on what I should have my first post be about, I don't care if you like it, I hope it makes you think...

This weeks topic is going to be Over-Spiritualism. Now, I know everyone who's ever stepped foot into a church has seen this, whether you know it or not.

Overspiritualism is one of my biggest problems with organized religion. Nothing makes me cringe like someone giving a testimony about something they consider a huge blessing and is in God's will, for example, an aquaintence of mine recently bought a new car, he didn't need a new car, he was just sick of his old one. Now, it's a pretty nice car, and I congratulated him on his purchase, but when he uttered the horrific words, I wanted to smack him.

What words did he say?

"Yep. God really blessed me with this vehicle"

Im sorry, what? God blessed you with this vehicle? I'm pretty sure anyone could get a vehicle if they saved as long as you had. It's not exactly a hard blessing to achieve if you're simply going out and buying it.

"Hey guys! Check out this awesome Ice cream cone God just blessed me with!"

It's ridiculous. A blessing would be if God had brought the vehicle into your life. Another friend of mine once recieved a car from someone is his church for the grand total of...a dollar. That's right, One Dollar. (Canadian no less!) This is what I would call a blessing. It's something he needed to get to work and church, it was never brought to the seller's attention that he was in the market for a car. It was as simple a thought process as;

He has no car + I have an old car = I feel like sowing into his future.

It's a beautiful thing when you witness a true blessing, but when I see someone being ungrateful for what they have because they don't need it, they deserve a slap.

So, that's about it for today. Leave a comment if you want. If you want to argue the point or try to change my mind, please take your thoughts elsewhere as I'm not going to waste my time on it.

1 comment:

Jelea said...

kurtis, i really enjoyed reading this...really i did! and i have to agree with you as well...God does bless us with things, but if we work towards a goal, he's blessed us with the ability to work for it, and the end result is the reward