Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Well, I guess it's been a little while since I posted anything meaningful on here. Life moves pretty quick at Bible College, but at the same time there isn't a whole lot to write home about.

I had an interesting meeting with our Vice President today...I've been nominated for the position of Dorm Leader for next year. It's really cool but I definately have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand it would be a really cool experience that would shave either 2 or 4 thousand dollars off of my tuition. (Pending on whether or not I do it alone or have a 2nd DL)

But on the other side of the scales, it might be a little too much commitment. I would like to have a 2nd man with me so I can have some time to myself, but I still don't even know if I'm going to be coming back next year or not. I left the option open to come back for various reasons, but I don't know if it's something I think I should do...the only problem is I have no idea what else I should/could do...it's all a little puzzling right now.

On the other side of things, I hit some really cool revelations today. It started as a pretty bad day but after a good long talk with a couple of the students here, I learned alot about myself.

For starters I betcha never knew I've never really accepted Christ into my life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't believe in God or anything but I have never gone through the usual rituals and/or prayers to acknowledge my faith. I've been comtemplating having one of my best friends in the world here share the moment with me, but I've also been thinking about a public declaration in front of the school.

Or maybe I'll just keep on living my life the way I am, God doesn't seem to have a big problem with it. At least, I don't think he'd throw ministry opportunities at me like he has if he did. =D

I've also begun a process to come to terms with my family relationship...I never realized it before but I've always been more ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian to my own family than anything else. It kinda sucks, but it's just life, ya know? I don't really know why though. I'm even a little ashamed to tell my relatives I go to Bible College...

But it's all on the way. And it's nothing I'm too worried about. It's the way I've lived my whole life so it's not sad or depressing, it's merely the norm. So until next time, I wish you all the very best, and to the folks in Medicine Hat I should be home for a week starting on the 26th or so.

We can be nothing more than Natural until God get his Super on...

1 comment:

JP said...

I think that's great stuff! Some crazy things in there! Wow...I'm a little skeptical when it comes to 'rituals' and 'prayers' that make you saved... cos honestly? I don't know where in the bible it says you have to pray some prayer to have Jesus in your heart... But anyway, that's a whole nother concept in its own. God loves you no less than the most holiest person in that school Kurtis... whether you change or never change who you are, the amount of love God has for you will never change. And I don't say that to be all preachy, it's just truth. Romans 8:31-39 (the Message) Check that out.
