Friday, August 03, 2007

Effin Health Care...

You know what? Im sick of public health care. I know alot of people will disagree with me on this one, but in my own selfishness, hear me out.

I will be 21 years of age in just a little over a month, and because of this detail, I am now no longer on my parent's plan, and now I have to pay just under $600 a year to continue getting my 'free' health care, and refusing to pay it does not fit into the government's best interest for a healthy, working young adult. So, now that Im shilling out about $200 every 4 months or so, what am I getting out of the deal? I can count the amount of times I've had to go to the hospital and/or clinic on one slightly disfigured 6-fingered hand.

Twice in my life have I ever gone to the ER. Once for a bad cut above my eye that needed stitches, once when I was hit by a car in second grade. How about that there walk-in clinic? I have had need to attend this bad boy, a grand total of 3 times in my life. 3. Once for a sliver the size of my pinky lodged into the flesh next to my eye, once for tonsilitis, and once for banging up my knee pretty bad playing football on ice. That's pretty much it.

You might be thinking to yourself; "Hey moron! That's only 5! Duh!"

You wanna know the 6th time? When I was born, n00b.

That's it that's all! All the members of my family each have probably less than 10 trips to either one of these places in their life. It's a freakin gong show! I have a 5 year old cousin who has spent more time in the ER for sniffles in any one year than my family of 5 combined. And for this they charge me and my siblings $600/month each, and my parents about $900/month for our family, which was the same even when all the kids were under the plan. (more shenanigans)

So, in conclusion. I am against public health care, cuz I don't like wasting money so whiny hypochondriacs get free pills that they don't even effing need.

/end rant

PS- Somehow this rant seems alot nicer than the way it sounded in my head when I was writing it. Please read it with an angry voice. okithxbbq

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.