Saturday, November 08, 2008


Top 12 Reasons Why I Don't Care If It Makes You Mad That I Like Barack Obama!

3: First and foremost, I can overlook the flaws of Obama simply for the amount of social change that a Black President will usher in to the United States. It boggles my mind that people can still be racist, and yet that's all I saw on my TV for the past months. It's the freaking 21st century for pete's sake! If movies have taught us anything we should be afraid of Aliens and flying around in jetpacks by now! Stop protesting the President and start protesting the underwhelming development on jetpack technology!

2: The 'campaigning' (see: slander) that was released during this 'election' (see: three-ring circus) basically boiled down to the white man vs. the black man. I mean, sure they could have debated the issues, but why waste breath on that when we can fuel the engine with hate. Hate is cheaper than rational thoughts!

I hear they're trying to run the next series of Hybrid vehicles on nothing but Pure Rage™

And finally, the number one reason:

I'm a freaking Canadian! That should be the be-all end-all of this argument. No matter what I say, or how vehemently I debate for the side of Obama, I cannot vote in the American Election. Period. If you didn't vote, it's your own fault. If you voted for McCain, go cry in a corner with the other 1/3 of the American population and wait 4 years like a normal person. Democrats had to put up with eight years of Bush, now it's your turn.\

And please don't shoot him...I don't trust Biden. His squinty eyes are nothing but trouble!

You know, I really did have a list of 12 reasons to fill in here, but honestly? I can't be bothered to list more than 3...which just goes to show that even though I care enough about American politics to write a note, I still don't care enough to finish it.

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